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Anavar Cycle

Anavar brand name with the chemical name Oxandrolone is an orally active steroid. It means there’s no need to worry about injections when using Anavar. Nonetheless, you may still need some injectable steroids during the Anavar cycle, especially if you want to maximize cycle effectiveness.


Is quite obvious that to receive maximum benefits from an Anavar cycle, you need to get your hands on real and legitimate Oxandrolone – Anavar. That’s why you should learn as much as possible about Anavar and you should buy from legitimate sources.

  • For example, we’re a store of anabolic steroids that work only with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) accredited brands and manufacturers. We also offer those brands for the cheapest prices on the market.

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Here we’re going to share some examples and important information about the Anavar cycles.

Anavar Dosage

The dosage of Oxandrolone – Anavar greatly depends on many different factors. For example, it can be as low as 5 mg to as high as 100 mg a day. As you can notice, the difference is huge.

For example, that’s because women’s Anavar dosage ranges between 5 mg a day and 20 mg a day. 5 mg is for beginners, 20 mg a day is for professionals who want to grow muscles. 10 mg a day is the sweet spot.

At the same time, men’s Anavar dosage ranges between 20 mg a day and 100 mg a day. Rarely does someone use 20 mg/day. 30-40 mg is what most beginners go for. 50-60 mg a day is the sweet spot. But higher doses are only attempted by professionals with lots of experience who need to grow lean muscle mass.

  • The dosage of Anavar should be spread throughout the day. That’s due to Anavar half-life of only 9 hours.
  • Due to liver toxicity of Oxandrolone, regardless of the cycle type, you should add liver protection supplements with it. Other cycle supportive supplements can be helpful too.

Anavar Cycle

Mainly because of the liver toxicity of Anavar but also because of testosterone suppression for men and virilization for women, the maximum cycle length is 8 weeks. In fact, women are recommended a maximum of 6 weeks.

But a 4 week Anavar cycle is going to be enough to greatly help both men and women, especially beginners.


Anavar Only Cycle

Anavar-only cycle is not recommended to men because of testosterone suppression. But Anavar only cycle is recommended to women to avoid deeper virilizing risks.

That’s why Anavar – Oxandrolone is used alone mostly by women but sometimes is used by beginner men. When used alone, it should be used for a maximum of 6 weeks.

Women usually use

  • Anavar 10 mg a day for 6 weeks. Reduce length to 4 weeks for beginners. Increase dosage to 20 mg a day for professionals.

Men usually use:

  • Anavar 30 mg a day for 6 weeks. If you have enough experience, you may increase to 50 mg a day. Some go for 8 weeks, but that’s increasing the risks.

During the Anavar only cycle, some people add Clenbuterol. Both men and women. It is not a steroid so won’t suppress testosterone production, won’t cause virilizing issues, and won’t be liver toxic. It cannot grow lean muscle tissues, but Clenbuterol does wonders to burn fat. NOTE! It still has its set of side effects!

  • PS: Clenbuterol can be added in almost any of these cycles. But you should make sure you tolerate it properly and know why you use it in the first place.

Beginner Anavar Cycle

A beginner Anavar cycle is usually made up of Testosterone and Oxandrolone.

Week 1-12

  • Testosterone Enanthate 300-500 mg a week split into 2 administrations weekly

Week 7-12

  • Anavar 50 mg a day split into 2 administrations daily


Advanced Anavar Cycle

An advanced cycle with Anavar is either increased dosage and/or cycle length and/or added other steroids.

Week 1-12

Week 1-8

  • Anavar 50 mg a day split into 2 administrations daily

Professional Anavar Cycle

A professional with a lot of experience can add Anavar and adjust its dosage and cycle length based on their own experience and knowledge of what works best for them.

Week 1-10

  • Testosterone Propionate 100 mg a day once daily
  • Trenbolone Acetate 75 mg a day once daily

Week 3-10

  • Anavar 80 mg a day split into 2 administrations daily



Remember that those are just examples of Anavar cycles. There are A LOT of other Anavar cycles. They can vary A LOT based on many factors. Choose what is best suitable for you and buy the best quality Oxandrolone.

We can help you with free cycle advice and we can help you to get the best quality Oxandrolone. Buy Anavar for sale online from and you won’t be regretting it.

Buy Anavar Here

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