
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

Original price was: $99.99.Current price is: $89.99.

Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (or simply Hexa) is one version of Trenbolone and is the only Trenbolone version that was formerly used in humans, however it got discontinued. Nowadays, Tren Hexa is considered not to be as popular as other variants of Trenbolone, however, many people swear that is among the best Trenbolone version you can use.


What is Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate?

Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (or simply Hexa) is one version of Trenbolone and is the only Trenbolone version that was formerly used in humans, however it got discontinued. Nowadays, Tren Hexa is considered not to be as popular as other variants of Trenbolone, however, many people swear that is among the best Trenbolone version you can use.

Tren Hexa is the longest version of Trenbolone with a half life of about 14 days, compared to other 2 versions – that’s much longer. There’s Trenbolone Acetate (most famous but shortest half life) of 1-2 days. Then there’s Trenbolone Enanthate (with half life of about 7 days).

Trenbolone (or simply Tren) is what you receive in whatever the case, and this is being called by many people the strongest and most effective steroid for quickly and very effectively changing your physique and boosting your performance.

Trenbolone is derived from Nandrolone (from Deca Durabolin or NPP) but the modification from Nandrolone made it extremely powerful – 5 times the potency of Testosterone with anabolic to androgenic ratio of 500:500. Plus, the modification made Trenbolone unable to aromatize, therefore it cannot offer estrogenic activity.

What Does Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate Do? What is Tren Hexa Used For?

Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (or simply Tren Hexa) is working in the exact same way as other forms of Trenbolone with the exception of a longer half life. The compound is offering amazing effects when talking about muscle building, protein synthesis, nitrogen retention as well as cell repair and many other positive effects.

Tren Hexa is not used in medical settings, instead is used for physique and performance enhancement purposes with big success. Trenbolone is offering muscle hardness, strength gains, an increased metabolism and the aggression needed in the gym during an intense workout.

Trenbolone is believed to increase HGH levels, to increase IGF-1 levels (both being extremely important for growing muscles) and in addition to that, is helping to partition the nutrients much efficiently – all along with an extra fat loss effect.

Taking in consideration that is a steroid with high anabolic and androgenic activity but no estrogenic activity and is also helpful for losing body fat, Trenbolone is very often used in both bulking and cutting cycles. Is very famous and widely used by people who want to grow muscles and increase strength as well as by those who want to lose body fat in the time of maintaining current muscle mass.

Trenbolone can be stacked with most other steroids of your choice, but is most often being stacked with Testosterone for various reasons – most of them being the fact that Testosterone added to Trenbolone cycle might decrease the side effects and might increase the effectiveness.

Trenbolone Dosage Cycle & Dosage

Trenbolone Hexa is coming as oil solution which is meant to be administered intramuscularly via injection. The compound must be used in conservative doses, being a powerful steroid, Trenbolone shouldn’t be taken lightly or experiment with it – you would end with nasty side effects.

Our strong recommendation is to start slowly with Trenbolone if you’re the first time using it. Also, if you’ve never used steroids – Trenbolone is not the steroid to start your journey, this compound is too dangerous for steroid beginners.

Trenbolone Hexa should be started only by people who have experience and knowledge on steroids and they should start slowly, increase the dosage only when you know exactly what you’re doing and you know how your body reacts to this product.

Plus, as said, Tren is most often used with Testosterone for decreasing the side effects and increasing the results and benefits. A good dosage that you should start with is in the range of 150 mg and maximum 350 mg a week.

There are people reports suggesting that such seemingly low dosages are low enough to offer dramatic results, especially for people who do not have any experience with this compound.

Those people who have enough experience with Trenbolone might increase the dosage up to anywhere between 300 and 600 mg a week. This dosage is considered good enough to offer insane results with side effects that may be very well controlled.

WARNING! Do not ever attempt to use higher doses than 700 mg a week of Trenbolone – that’s going to be dangerous.

Due to very long half life of Trenbolone Hexa – you can use the total weekly dosage once a week. For example, you can use it every Monday and you can be sure that the compound is going to offer stable blood levels until next Monday.

Trenbolone, except for being used with Testosterone, is taken alongside with a lot of other steroids too such as Anavar, Winstrol, Primobolan, Masteron, Equipoise and lots others.

Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate Side Effects

Side effects of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (or simply Tren Hexa) are the same as with any other Trenbolone compound. But taken in consideration that the compound is staying in your system for longer period and the compound is entering your system slower – the side effects of Trenbolone Hexa would last much longer compared to Trenbolone Acetate, but they won’t be by far as pronounced, so there are chances you won’t get any at all.

In the end, Trenbolone is a very powerful steroid, side effects are possible to occur, especially when taken in higher doses.

Dosages are directly related to the side effects. Use supplements and PCT to reduce the side effects. Reduce dosage, do not abuse it, don’t use it for longer than recommended and follow all other guidelines to avoid side effects.

The most common side effects include:

  • Night sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Decreased cardio resistance
  • Hypertension
  • Aggression and temper
  • Acne
  • Suppression
  • Coughing and there are various other side effects


Where to Buy Trenbolone Hexa on Sale?

Trenbolone Hexa for sale can be obtained directly from this source mentioned here. You can buy Trenbolone and be sure you would get the lowest price for this steroid, which offers the genuine steroid. Trenbolone Hexa is one of the best things you can get for physique and performance enhancement, so get the real Trenbolone for sale and make sure you get amazing results.


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