
Testosterone Phenylpropionate

Original price was: $79.99.Current price is: $69.99.

Testosterone Phenylpropionate is one of the many esterified forms of testosterone which is coming as an intramuscular injection (oily solution) and is a synthetic anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS) and an androgen ester – the Phenylpropionate ester of testosterone that is very similar to Propionate (as we can see, even the esters names are very similar too).


What is Testosterone Phenylpropionate?

Testosterone Phenylpropionate is one of the many esterified forms of testosterone which is coming as an intramuscular injection (oily solution) and is a synthetic anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS) and an androgen ester – the Phenylpropionate ester of testosterone that is very similar to Propionate (as we can see, even the esters names are very similar too).

Testosterone Phenylpropionate has been firstly synthesized back in 1951 and nowadays this specific form of testosterone is better known as one the testosterone form found in Sustanon 250 – the brand with various Testosterones blend.

In the end, regardless if you’re administering Testosterone Phenylpropionate or any other form of testosterone, you’re receiving synthetic testosterone and therefore increasing your overall testosterone levels. There’s no difference in how synthetic testosterone works and the naturally occurring one, and there’s no difference between Testosterone Phenylpropionate and any other (even including the blends or non esterified testosterone).

The only difference between them is the attached ester and the ester is only responding for delaying the release of the main compound (in this specific case – testosterone) in the system following the administration (injection).

Different esters offer different time delay and based on this, people choose which form of testosterone they need. Testosterone Phenylpropionate is very close to Testosterone Propionate not only by its name, but in terms of half life too.

Testosterone Phenylpropionate Half Life

Testosterone Phenylpropionate is offering a half life of about 3 – 4.5 days or so. That’s very close to Testosterone Propionate offering a half life of 1-3 days or so. Therefore, Testosterone Phenylpropionate is considered the second shortest based testosterone after Testosterone Propionate (excluding the oral forms of testosterone with much lower half life and the non esterified testosterone.)

Because of the shorter half life – there are advantages and disadvantages. An advantage is that the detection time is shorter compared to longer forms, but disadvantage is that injections schedule should be more frequent.

What is Testosterone Phenylpropionate Used For?

Testosterone Phenylpropionate is used for increasing testosterone levels, therefore, it can be used for any medical needs when the patient is having the condition brought by too low levels of testosterone. It can be hypogonadism. Testosterone Phenylpropionate can be used for treatment of hypogonadism, or it also can be used for treatment of breast cancer including many others that any given form of testosterone can be used.

That’s because regardless which esterified form of testosterone you use – you get the same hormone. Yet, in medical settings, due to longer available versions, Testosterone Phenylpropionate is not very widely used. Instead, it can be used for physique and performance enhancement.

It is most often used as a part of the famous Sustanon 250 brand medication. All forms of testosterone, in the end, are used for the same purposes – for increasing muscle growth and muscle strength.

Testosterone is amazing at boosting nitrogen retention, protein synthesis, fat loss processes, boosting mood and libido, offering you an overall much better physical appearance with more muscles, muscle definition and endurance alongside with many other positive effects.

Testosterone Phenylpropionate Dosage

Testosterone Phenylpropionate is coming as an oil solution that is meant for intramuscular injection and because of the fairly short based Phenylpropionate ester, the compound should be administered once a day or at least once every other day.

If you administer it as a part of Sustanon 250, then use the product exactly as recommended which is usually a bit less frequent due to the extra other testosterone based steroids that are having much longer half lives and they are capable to maintain stable blood levels.

Testosterone Phenylpropionate is usually used in cutting cycles as all other testosterones with short half life and long based ones are usually used in bulking cycles. Nonetheless, you can use the compound in both cycles if you need because you just increase the testosterone levels.

The weekly dosage of Testosterone Phenylpropionate is the same as with any other form of testosterone – anywhere between approximately 200 mg a week up to about 1500 mg a week for professionals heavy bulkers. The dosage of 200-250 mg a week is used only as a booster or for TRT, but most common dosage is in the range of 400 and 800 mg per week.

Cycle lengths are in the range of 8 and 12 weeks. Testosterone is usually stacked with almost any given steroid of your choice – it just depends on what exactly you aim.

Testosterone Phenylpropionate Side Effects

The side effects of Testosterone Phenylpropionate are not different from the side effects of any other form of testosterone – even from too high levels of testosterone that may occur naturally.

The difference is that the side effects may appear and disappear quicker depending on the ester. Yet, testosterone’s side effects include:

  • Acne
  • Hair loss
  • Oily skin
  • Aggression
  • Hypertension
  • Depression
  • Gynecomastia
  • Suppression of testosterone
  • Negative cholesterol
  • Bad cardiovascular effect
  • And others


Where to Buy Testosterone Phenylpropionate?

Buy Testosterone Phenylpropionate and you would greatly boost your physique and performance needs. Gain lots of muscle mass and increase strength while losing body fat really fast with this steroid that is offered for an extremely high quality. By using the source recommended, you not only get the high quality Testosterone – but you save lots of money for it too.


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