
Methenolone Acetate

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Methenolone Acetate is the oral version of the active substance Methenolone which is sold as the brand name Primobolan (or often shortly called Primo) but it can be found as other generic names too. The active substance name is Methenolone (chemical name) which is also available in form of injection as Methenolone Enanthate with brand Primobolan Depot.


What is Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate)?

Methenolone Acetate is the oral version of the active substance Methenolone which is sold as the brand name Primobolan (or often shortly called Primo) but it can be found as other generic names too. The active substance name is Methenolone (chemical name) which is also available in form of injection as Methenolone Enanthate with brand Primobolan Depot.

There are not too many differences between the oral and injectable version (Methenolone Acetate vs Methenolone Enanthate) except for the fact that they obviously have different routes of administration and that injection form is having a higher half life and therefore should be administered less often. In the end, you’re receiving Methenolone as the active substance.

This is considered a pretty weak steroid due to its low anabolic to androgenic numbers on paper. Although being quite weak, the steroid is very popular especially for cutting cycles.

Primobolan (Primo) containing Methenolone Acetate is considered a very famous steroid which was used by lots of bodybuilders even including famous Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Methenolone Acetate Uses in Bodybuilding

The compound is used in medical settings mainly for anemia and breast cancer, however, is more widely used in bodybuilding for physique and performance enhancement purposes. Due to its low anabolic ratings, Primobolan is rarely used in bulking cycles, although it can be used alongside with other steroids.

But mainly, Primo is used in cutting cycles with great success. That’s because Methenolone is a Dihydrotestosterone derived steroid and it cannot aromatize to estrogen, therefore being good for fat loss purposes. It has a stronger binding to the androgen receptor than testosterone and that’s a very big advantage.

Methenolone Acetate is barely anabolic so is not very effective for increasing muscle mass. Instead, is increasing nitrogen retention and that’s why is anti catabolic. This means that the steroid would be very helpful in maintaining muscle mass while dieting down.

Methenolone helps to lose body fat while maintaining muscle mass, whilst increasing performance and strength levels.

Primobolan Cycle & Dosage (Methenolone Acetate) in Bodybuilding

The oral version of Methenolone should be used in doses anywhere between 50 up to about 100 mg per day. Is not unheard of people using higher doses than 100 mg daily, but that’s increasing the side effects risks.

Women who are planning to use Methenolone they should only go for the oral version (Methenolone Acetate) but the dosage is much lower compared to men – approximately 10 mg per day and never exceed 20 mg daily.

As said, the half life of Methenolone Acetate is much lower compared to Methenolone Enanthate (oral vs injection) about 6 hours compared to about 10 days! That’s why oral Primo should be used at least 3 times a day.

You can try 8 weeks with Primobolan 100 mgs a day with Cardarine 20 mg a day and N2Guard 7 capsules a day alongside with Winstrol 50 mg a day for a very effective cutting cycle.

Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate) Side Effects

There are rumors suggesting that Methenolone is mild enough not to suppress the testosterone production and that’s not true. It does suppress testosterone so you need a PCT plan. It has almost all the side effects of other steroids except for the fact that the side effects are much milder.

Side effects that won’t occur with Methenolone are estrogen based such as:

  • Gynecomastia
  • Water Retention
  • Water retention induced Hypertension and few others.
  • Side effects that might occur from using Methenolone:
  • Liver issues
  • Androgenic side effects especially for those prone to get them
  • Testosterone suppression for men
  • Virilization for women
  • Some other side effects

The negative side effects usually appear only to those who do not use Methenolone in proper doses as the side effects of this steroid are much less likely to occur compared to other steroids.

Where to Buy Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate) at Sale?

Methenolone Acetate for sale can be obtained from this website and you can be sure that you get the best deal when talking about price vs quality ratio.

Primobolan is the brand name, but there are other generics manufactured by other companies that offer same high quality Methenolone which is amazing for cutting cycles and saves you money.


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