
Liothyronine Sodium

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Liothyronine Sodium is the chemical name for the synthetic (man made) form of the thyroid hormone known as triiodothyronine or shortly T3. The compound is known as its brand name Cytomel T3 but there are also generic versions too. Liothyronine Sodium (or very often simply Liothyronine) is most commonly being used for treating hypothyroidism and also myxedema coma.


What is T3 (Liothyronine Sodium)?

Liothyronine Sodium is the chemical name for the synthetic (man made) form of the thyroid hormone known as triiodothyronine or shortly T3. The compound is known as its brand name Cytomel T3 but there are also generic versions too. Liothyronine Sodium (or very often simply Liothyronine) is most commonly being used for treating hypothyroidism and also myxedema coma.

However, Liothyronine Sodium got its place in bodybuilding world as a medication which can increase your hormone levels and greatly help with fat loss purposes.

Liothyronine Sodium can be taken either orally by mouth as it comes in form of tablets or pills (as Cytomel and other brand names) or by injection into a vein. Generally, the oral version is much more preferred and widely used over the injection.

The compound has been approved for medical use in 1956 and is still used in medical settings for various health conditions. But is also used by bodybuilders for physique and performance enhancement purposes, mainly for cutting cycles when fat loss is the goal.

What is T3 (Liothyronine Sodium) Used For in Bodybuilding?

Liothyronine is a medication that is increasing your hormone levels and that’s why is taken by people who want to increase their hormone levels fast. That’s why is given for hypothyroidism conditions – the condition when the thyroid is “hypo” active, meaning that is not working enough. That’s the exact opposite of hyperthyroidism where the thyroid is “hyper” active, meaning that is working way too intense.

Liothyronine Sodium which is sold as brand Cytomel, is actually synthetic T3 and when taken, it start working by increasing your overall thyroid hormone levels and therefore, your metabolism start to speed up. As a result, everything in the body would start to work harder and your body would start demanding more fuel which it would take it from fat and even from muscles if it has to.

That’s why Liothyronine Sodium T3 is often used with anabolic steroids – in order to stay away from muscle loss. So, you get the increase of metabolic activity due to using Liothyronine Sodium – artificial T3 and this burns more fat and faster.

It helps bodybuilders to get rid of the last body fat percentages that they cannot lose through a cardio and diet regimen.

How to Take T3 (Liothyronine Sodium)? | T3 for Weight Loss

Liothyronine Sodium sold as Cytomel T3 or other generic names is coming as oral tablets or pills so it should be taken on a daily basis, usually once or twice a day, mainly depending on the dosage. It has a half life of approximately 1.5 – 2 days.

You can use Liothyronine in 2 different methods – aggressive with more side effects but more results or conservative with less side effects but less results. We recommend conservative for newbies and aggressive for professionals who want to lose body fat really fast and efficiently.

Conservative – from 12.5 up to 25 mcg a day for 4 up to 6 weeks.

Aggressive – from 50 up to 75 mcg a day (usually split in 2 halves per day) for 2 up to 3 months.

Use Liothyronine with steroids in order not to lose muscle mass.

You need to stop using Liothyronine Sodium gradually because the worst side effect is suppression of thyroid. Therefore it won’t function. For such cases you need supplements like vitamin B12 and various others. There are T3 PCT supplements for such cases.

T3 (Liothyronine Sodium) Side Effects

It is very important to understand that by taking Liothyronine Sodium you would suppress your thyroid function. That’s why, if you suddenly come off, you may go into a hypothyroidism condition.

However, by taking the compound too aggressive, you stand high chances of increasing metabolic activity too much and it can be stressful for your heart. Other than that, too high doses leads to hyperthyroidism as you get too much hormones.

These are the symptoms of a hyperthyroidism condition:

  • Headaches
  • Appetite increase
  • Stomach issues
  • Weight loss
  • Insomnia
  • Sweating
  • Heat sensitivity
  • Body / hand tremors and shakings
  • Getting easily irritated and others

Where to Buy T3 (Liothyronine Sodium)?

Liothyronine Sodium T3 can be purchased directly from this website and you’re ensured to get the highest quality Liothyronine you can find.

By using the website to buy Cytomel or some generic form you would get the lowest prices for the product and the highest quality. You can’t go wrong with Liothyronine Sodium.


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