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Fluoxymesterone is by far one of the most powerful and strongest anabolic and androgenic steroids that is available and as an added bonus – this steroid is also coming in form of oral tablets. Fluoxymesterone is just the chemical name of the steroid (active substance) but the product is better known as Halotestin – its brand name or shortly Halo. Fluoxymesterone also might be found as other names too.


What is Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone)?

Fluoxymesterone is by far one of the most powerful and strongest anabolic and androgenic steroids that is available and as an added bonus – this steroid is also coming in form of oral tablets. Fluoxymesterone is just the chemical name of the steroid (active substance) but the product is better known as Halotestin – its brand name or shortly Halo. Fluoxymesterone also might be found as other names too.

The steroid has been developed many years ago in the late 50s and as many other steroids, Fluoxymesterone has been developed for medical purposes – for helping boys with delayed puberty and some other purposes.

But soon later bodybuilders have discovered that this is a really powerful steroid and they started using Halotestin with great success for physique and performance enhancement purposes, especially for hardening and for cutting cycles.

The compound Fluoxymesterone has been firstly described in 1956 but it was introduced for medical a year later. Nowadays, is still being used for various medical needs as well as for improving physique and performance.

Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) Uses in Bodybuilding

Halotestin or simply Halo is working pretty much as all other anabolic steroids by binding to the androgen receptors after it survived the liver since the compound is C17 AA. As mentioned, Fluoxymesterone is used for various health purposes such as low testosterone levels treatment in men, breast cancer in women, delayed puberty in boys as well as patients suffering from anemia.

But in bodybuilding, the compound is extremely popular as a finisher in cycles before a contest as well as is very popular for power lifters and strength athletes. All of that because is having amazing hardening and cutting properties combined with huge increases in strength levels.

The reason is that Fluoxymesterone has no aromatization so it won’t display any estrogenic side effects while is combined with anabolic activity that is almost 20 times more than testosterone and androgenic activity that is almost 10 times more than testosterone. That’s why Halo is considered such a powerful product.

With such a huge androgenic activity, the strength levels would add big time. That’s why is used by powerlifters. Without estrogenic activity, it makes you add muscles and strength without water retention, so is amazing for cutting. But it can be used for bulking as well.

Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) Dose Cycle in Bodybuilding

Fluoxymesterone is extremely powerful and is coming in form of oral tablets. As much as you can expect, the steroid is very liver toxic. This is the reason why Halotestin administration should be as conservative as possible. The dosage and the period of time shouldn’t ever exceed the recommended guidelines.

In fact, the steroid is so powerful that is not being recommended to people who are beginners with steroid. But ever professionals shouldn’t ever exceed the dosage of 40 mg a day and 6 weeks. In fact, using 40 mg a day for 6 weeks is already very dangerous. That’s why doses higher than 30 mg a day should only be attempted by professionals and periods longer than 4 weeks.

Beginners should go with 10 mg for 3 weeks. Advanced users 20-30 mg for 3-4 weeks. Professionals 30-40 mg for 4-5 weeks. Add high doses of liver supporting supplements. Never use other steroids affecting your liver with Halo.

Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) Side Effects

Halotestin or simply Halo which is containing Fluoxymesterone is quite obvious to offer side effects and in fact, the side effects of Fluoxymesterone are considered much worse compared to most other steroids available. The side effects of Halotestin are pretty much the same as with most other steroids, but taken in consideration that is much powerful – the side effects are much more likely to occur and they would be more intense.

The side effects are still controllable as long as Halo is taken properly. For example, PCT plan, giving blood for too much increase in red blood cells, using high doses of liver protective compounds and others are helpful.

Here are some side effects:

  • Liver issues
  • Cholesterol issues
  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Aggression
  • Acne
  • Hair loss

Those are the worst / most common side effects but there may appear others too.

Where to Buy Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) at Sale?

Fluoxymesterone for sale can be purchased from this source absolutely hassle free and you get a high quality steroid which is very likely to be the most powerful one.

You can get Halotestin for sale making you save money and get a powerful steroid with huge potential.


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