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Sildenafil is the active substance found in the extremely famous medication – Viagra. The full name of the substance is Sildenafil Citrate and Viagra is just the brand name for this medicine. However, there are a lot of different generics for Viagra, also containing high quality Sildenafil Citrate offered in many different names.


What is Viagra (Sildenafil)?

Sildenafil is the active substance found in the extremely famous medication – Viagra. The full name of the substance is Sildenafil Citrate and Viagra is just the brand name for this medicine. However, there are a lot of different generics for Viagra, also containing high quality Sildenafil Citrate offered in many different names.

Pretty much all products containing Sildenafil Citrate are the same Viagra, unless they are offering low quality Sildenafil. In the end, Sildenafil is a medication that is mostly being used for treating erectile dysfunction in adult men. But it has other medical uses.

Erectile dysfunction – by far the most famous health condition when Viagra – Sildenafil is used, is a condition when a man cannot get and/ or maintain an erection. Viagra is used with big success in such a case as is believed the most helpful medicine for this condition.

Sildenafil is a PDE5 inhibitor type of drug, among 2 other very famous medicines found in this class of drugs – Cialis (Tadalafil) and Levitra (Vardenafil).

How Long Does it Take for Viagra (Sildenafil) to Take Effect?

Is important to know that there are various factors playing a role in how fast / slow the Sildenafil is going to start working. The most important one that is food consumption. By using Sildenafil after a large high fat meal the onset of actions would be delayed.

If Viagra is taken on an empty stomach, the compound would start working faster. By having some blood issues it would also play a role.

Anyway, normally, Sildenafil is starting to work in approximately 30 minutes. There are situations when it takes effect in about 15 minutes but most people report 30 minutes up to one hour. This is the reason why Sildenafil compounds like Viagra must be administered without food approximately 30-60 minutes before sex.

How Long Does Viagra (Sildenafil) Last?

Regardless of the dosage administered, the medicine would last the same amount of time, unless you use Sildenafil more than once a day – something that is not recommended.

Sildenafil is having a half life of approximately 3-4 hours and this means that the medicine would last approximately 6-8 hours. However, after 6 hours there might be too little amount in your blood system for it to be very effective. That’s why Viagra containing Sildenafil lasts up to 6 hours.

The compound might last more in people who have liver / kidney issues. That’s why it usually lasts a bit more for elder people. However, it may last less if you’re going to eat a highly fat meal because food may decrease its effectiveness as may delay the onset of actions.

How Does Viagra (Sildenafil) Work?

Sildenafil Citrate, as it was already mentioned, is mainly used for erectile dysfunction issues. However, is also being used for other health conditions too such as pulmonary hypertension, Raynaud’s phenomenon, high altitude pulmonary edema. Also it can be given as antidepressant-associated sexual dysfunction too.

But in the end is given mostly for ED issues. Sildenafil is working by inhibiting phosphodiesterase type 5 (that’s why is considered a PDE5 inhibitor) and that’s an enzyme which is promoting the breakdown of the cGMP – the chemical that is regulating the blood flow in the penis by relaxing the muscles.

In short, PDE5 is responsible for a flaccid penis and is blocking cGMP – the chemical that allows more blood flow into the penis making the erection much firmer and much likely to happen. So, Sildenafil is inhibiting PDE5 and this results in more blood flow in the penis – therefore you get erection.

Viagra (Sildenafil) Dosage | How to Take Viagra?

Viagra or any other medicine that is containing Sildenafil Citrate should be administered without food in order to receive maximum benefits. The compound is coming in form of tablets / pills which are swallowed whole with enough water.

Viagra is only administered on an as needed basis and is forbidden to administer Sildenafil products more than once a day. That’s why, you need to administer it no more than once every 24 hours.

You should use Sildenafil at least 30 minutes before the planned sexual intercourse but some people suggest that they get even better results after one hour. Although there are people suggesting they got it working in 15 minutes.

In the end, Sildenafil products are taken by mouth with water, no more than once 24 hours, taken only as needed, at least 30 minutes before sex.

The dosage is highly dependable on each person. There are people who get enough results with only 25 mg, but others might need more than 100 mg. Most people find their sweet spot at 50-100 mg.

Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate) Side Effects

Viagra or any other compound containing Sildenafil Citrate does offer negative side effects and they are pretty much the same as with all other PDE5 inhibitors since they are all working the exact same way.

The only difference between them is the half life (with Viagra having the shortest half life) yet Viagra being considered the most effective.

In the end, side effects are highly dependable on the dosage – do not abuse the compound if you do not want to get side effects. Also, do not use it if you’re having some health conditions (especially heart or blood issues) or using some other medicines (especially alpha blockers, nitrates and many others).

Common side effects include:

  • Facial flushing
  • Runny nose
  • Headaches
  • Upset stomach
  • There are also much serious but not frequent side effects:
  • Priapism
  • Vision issues
  • Hearing issues
  • Heart issues


Where to Buy Generic Viagra (Sildenafil) Online?

Viagra can be purchased from this source without any issues. You can get it for sale and make sure that you get the highest quality Sildenafil Citrate. Therefore, you save a lot of money while getting the best Sildenafil.

This is the most famous and widely used ED treating medicine and there are good reasons why. If you suffer from Erectile Dysfunction, is hard to imagine anything better than Viagra containing Sildenafil.


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