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GHRP-2, pretty much like its other brother GHRP-6, is a hexapeptide that is considered a pure growth hormone secretatogue, which stands for Growth Hormone Releasing Hexapeptide. Plus to that, GHRP-2 is a synthetic agonist of Ghrelin hormone too.



What is GHRP-2?

GHRP-2, pretty much like its other brother GHRP-6, is a hexapeptide that is considered a pure growth hormone secretatogue, which stands for Growth Hormone Releasing Hexapeptide. Plus to that, GHRP-2 is a synthetic agonist of Ghrelin hormone too.

Although they are very similar, GHRP-2 is different from GHRP-6 because is not offering the extreme hunger feeling which is sometimes considered a negative side effect of GHRP-6 depending on what you exactly need. Yet, it doesn’t mean that there are no chances to get a bit of increases in hunger feelings with GHRP 2.

GHRP (either 2 or 6) is often being used alongside with GHRH (CJC-1295 with or without DAC) and depending on your specific needs, you can choose GHRP 2 or GHRP 6. In the end, a combination of GHRP and GHRH is going to be really helpful.

GHRP-2 is often considered by many people a better peptide compared to its brother GHRP-6 because it still activates Ghrelin but it doesn’t offer the nasty hunger feeling side effect.

But Ghrelin is very important because is known to regulate GH secretion which is occurring inside the stomach and is being regulated by the personal nutrition. The Ghrelin hormone is getting increased during the times of fasting and while anticipating meal.

So, GHRP-2 does the same as GHRP-6 in activating it, but the scientists were capable to make the hunger feeling stop.

How GHRP-2 Works?

There’s the single polypeptide chain that is made up of 6 amino acids and that’s the Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide (GHRP). The hexapeptide is working by stimulating the Ghrelin release and also by correcting the creation of low level Growth Hormone (GH).

In short – by using GHRP-2 the user is capable to release Human Growth Hormone (HGH) from the pituitary gland and this way you get lots of different benefits. For example, it would end up in:

  • Boosted lean muscle mass
  • Reduced body fat
  • Anti age processes
  • Collagen production
  • Increased performance
  • Increased endurance

There are various other positive effects too. This GHRP-2 is a Ghrelin agonist and is working by boosting Growth Hormone as well as suppressing the action of somatostatin (the hormone that is responsible for limiting the release of growth hormone). Those are perfect mechanisms of increasing the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) levels.

GHRP-2 Dosage

Is important to know that GHRP-2 is coming as a lyophilized powder (pretty much as all other peptides) and therefore it should be mixed with bacteriostatic water and after that to be used via injection. As soon as it got mixed (reconstituted), the peptide must be kept in a refrigerator. Before the reconstitution (while still being a powder) keep in a cool dry place.

Some people have experimented in taking high doses of GHRP-2, however is not very clear if high doses are actually helpful, that’s why using high doses might not be needed.

In normal situations, as most people report, this GHRP-2 peptide is used 2-3 times per day in doses between 100 up to about 300 mcg per injection. This means doses are between 200 mcg up to 900 mcg per day.

Pretty much as with all other GHRP, is very recommended to use a GHRH in order to maximize the effectiveness. It can be CJC-1295 with or without DAC.

GHRP-2 Side Effects

There are side effects associated with GHRP-2 but they are mostly associated either with high doses or low tolerance of a person. One side effect to mention is the hunger feeling which is not as bad as with GHRP-6, but is still possible.

Another side effect is the increased levels of cortisol and prolactin, which is more likely to occur at doses higher than 200 mcg per injection.

Negative side effects of GHRP-2:

  • Hunger feeling
  • Increased cortisol and prolactin
  • Water retention
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Decreased insulin sensitivity
  • Tiredness and lethargy
  • Positive effects of GHRP-2:
  • Decreased body fat
  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Increases in IGF-1 production
  • Increases in bone density
  • Improved sleep
  • There are much more both negative and positive effects.

Where Can I Buy GHRP-2?

GHRP-2 can be purchased directly from this source without any issues. You’re guaranteed to obtain a very high quality peptide which is amazing at increasing HGH levels. This way you’re going to get lots of anti aging properties as well as huge benefits for physique and performance enhancement.

Using GHRP-2 when obtained from this site, you can be sure you got it for the lowest prices and that’s the highest quality GHRP-2 peptide.