Salbutamol that is also known as Albuterol (but might be better known as its trade name – Ventolin but there are many other trade names), is a drug that is mainly used to treat asthma and asthma attacks. It can help people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and exercise induced bronchoconstriction. This product is opening up making larger the airways in the lungs. This product is usually used as an inhaler or nebulizer, nonetheless you might find it available in form of pills, liquid as well as intravenous. In short, this product is a B2 agonist. Except for being an asthma medication – it was noticed by many bodybuilders and competitive athletes that it has various performance and physical enhancement properties as well.

Below you can find all the products containing Salbutamol (or Albuterol) and you can also find a lot of information about this product.

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